Pepperment & Lemongrass Bath Relaxing Crystals


Pepperment & Lemongrass Bath Relaxing Crystals 400g Ingredients: Epson Salt, Atlantic Ocean Crystals, Peppermint Leaves & Lemongrass Essential Oil

Health benefits of peppermint Irritable bowel syndrome, Skin conditions, Headaches and migraines, Colds and flu, Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, Relieving chemotherapy-induced vomiting, Treating and healing chronic wounds.

Lemongrass essential oil is known for its multitude of benefits, which include: Antibacterial: It’s used as a natural remedy to heal wounds and help prevent infection.  Antifungal – Effective against fungi, like yeast and mold, lemongrass deter conditions susch as ahlete’s foot, ringworm and jock itch. Anti-inflammatory – reduce inflammations . Antioxidant: Helps the body fight off free radicals that damage cells. Stress and Anxiety Relief


Condition Newly manufactured
Location Kamanjab
Colour White

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