General Questions
- I have a question that is not answered on this page. What do I do?
- If you can't find an answer here, feel free to contact us via our contact page.
- What are the procedures concerning transactions?
- JuggleBee will facilitate all transactions to ensure that all participating parties are happy and that transactions are successfully concluded. Please familiarise yourself with the Rules for Buyers and Rules for Sellers under our Terms and Conditions.
- Are third party bids permitted?
- Third party bids are NOT permitted. All users are responsible for any bids and/or sales made on their account. JuggleBee and the Seller will not be held liable for any purchases made by a third party via our platform.
- Who is responsible for shipping, transport and delivery?
- Please refer to our Transport and Shipping Policy
- Can I organise an appointment to view a product or item before purchase?
In the event you want to view the goods, services or items, the following applies:
- Only registered users are allowed to view.
- Viewing will be arranged at the convenience of the owner.
- Various goods, services or items will have various prerequisites for viewing.
- Certain items can only be viewed (depending on the size of the goods, services, or item and the cost of the goods, services, or items) if a "letter of good standing" can be provided by the registered user.
- What can I sell on JuggleBee?
We allow you to sell anything on JuggleBee but the following applies before your goods, services or items will be considered:
- Condition of the goods, services or items (where applicable)
- Proof of ownership
- Documentation that is applicable
- Verification of authenticity
- Legality to sell
- Valuations (where applicable)
- Discretion of our staff
- Am I protected as a buyer?
- Absolutely. You can view the Buyer Protection Policy under our policies to see how you are protected.
- Can I access JuggleBee via my phone?
- JuggleBee is now mobile friendly and can be accessed via your mobile device.
- A malfunction occurred while using the site. What do I do?
- Please report it to the JuggleBee staff as soon as possible and we will attend to the problem. You can do this via our Contact Us page.
Registration Questions
- What do I gain by registering with JuggleBee?
- JuggleBee provides you with a cost-effective platform. No more spending money on marketing and annoying fees. JuggleBee works on a success fee basis unless otherwise stipulated.
- You gain access to a very manageable marketplace and platform that allows you to monitor the progress of your item at any time and from anywhere. No more guessing whether your item is doing well.
- We provide a service that is constantly monitored and very secure. Your items, services or products are safe, because they are with you. No more shipping it off to strange places and allowing the responsibility to be with someone else. Transactions are monitored and safe as we facilitate them until they are successfully finalised.
- How does registration work?
- Registration is absolutely free. Registration allows you to keep track of your bidding and gives you an overview of your activities.
- How do I register?
- Click the link to "Log In / Register" in the top right of the website. For new registrations, there is a form you need to fill in requiring your email address and password. Please familiarise yourself with our Terms and Conditions and Policies. Upon signing up you automatically accept our Terms and Conditions and Policies.
- Do I have to register to make a bid?
- Yes. Registration is required to give a secure bidding platform and also personalises the whole experience.
- What happens when I deactivate my account?
- When you deactivate your account, your profile and activity history will be stored should you wish to reactivate your account in the future by contacting the JuggleBee admin. If you wish to permanently delete your account and all activity history, contact the JuggleBee admin instructing so.
Legal Questions
- Where can I find your Terms and Conditions or Policies?
- In the footer of our website are links to both the Terms and Conditions as well as the Policies. Please note that these may be updated from time to time without notice so it is your responsibility to review them once in a while.
- As a non-Namibian, can I still purchase land?
- Yes, there are options for non-Namibians to purchase land in Namibia. Please request more information from us should you wish to purchase land / property.
- What are the requirements for me to put an item on the site?
Depending the on goods, services or items put up for auction, it is vital to understand that the Buyer will be purchasing an item as is, but is also protected from any liabilities. It is therefore the responsibility of the Seller to make sure that they have the following in place to ensure a smooth and honest Sale;
- Paperwork stating the authenticity of the goods, services or items.
- Guarantees and Warranties.
- Deed of Sale
- Ownership of goods, services or items
- Service manuals
- Registration documents
- Waivers
- Permission to sell
- Company documents
- Profitability documents
- When I register, do I agree to all the Policies, Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy of this site?
- Yes, you are bound by all of the policies, terms, conditions and privacy policy. You will find them at the bottom of each page in the footer.
Auction Questions
- How do I bid?
Items are listed at a starting amount and increments must be made at no less than a specified value. Once you have placed your bid, your profile page Auction History table will be updated with the item you have bid on, how much you bid, and what the status of the item is (Were you outbid? Has the auction ended? Did you win the item?).
Should someone outbid you, you will receive an email from JuggleBee stating so which will give you the opportunity to visit the item and place a follow up bid. Auctions officially end at 8pm on the night it closes but the time will be extended by 15 minutes per bid within the last 15 minutes of the auction allowing you a chance to get in your final bids without someone cutting you off last minute.
- What is a 'Max Bid'?
- The Max Bid feature allows you to place a maximum bid on any item. You may place only one maximum bid per item. Once a maximum bid has been placed, you may continue bidding as normal. Two hours prior to the auction closing, the highest maximum bid will come into effect updating the items bid price. This allows other users an opportunity to place another bid should they want to. You will receive an email from JuggleBee as soon as your maximum bid comes into effect, given it is higher than the current bids and any other maximum bids made by other users.
- How do I put my items up for auction?
- Click the "List Something" menu item on the top of the page. You will be presented with a page where you can choose to list a product or start an auction. After making your selection, a simple wizard will guide you though the upload of your item. Once you have completed the wizard, your item will be submitted for moderation at which point you have the ability to view and edit your item before it gets accepted by a JuggleBee moderator and is published. Once it is published, you will no longer be able to edit your listing.
- What are the requirements after I won a bid?
Depending on the services, goods or items in question, there will be a time period to complete purchase. This time period will be determined based on the following criteria:
- Completion of all necessary documentation relating to a successful bid
- Size and cost of item
- Completion of transfer (where applicable)
- Transport
- Inspections
- Can I retract my bid?
Before the auction closes
Any retraction of a bid will only be allowed if the User can provide JuggleBee with a valid reason and only when JuggleBee staff verifies and authorises the reason for retraction.
After the auction closesNo retraction will be allowed. If a User fails to comply with this condition, he will be fined or permanently deleted from our site.
Product Questions
- How does buying a product work?
- Products generally go at a set price and can be bought by clicking the "Buy Item" button. The item will be added to your cart at which point you can choose to either checkout your cart or continue buying.
- How do I make an offer?
This product is accepting offers. To make an offer on the item, click the "Make an Offer" button. This will present you with a form in which you can input the amount you wish to offer.
After submitting your offer, you will receive an email confirming that the offer was sent. We will also receive and email with the offer details and enquire with the seller.
We will email you as soon as we receive a response from the seller.
- How do I offer a product?
- By making your product offerable (a checkbox in the product submission wizard), an option will appear for users to make an offer on your item. The offer will be sent to you via JuggleBee at which point you can either accept or decline the offer and we will notify the prospective buyer of your answer.
- How do I request a viewing of a listing?
- Some products such as cars or property are best viewed by you before purchasing. On listings which match this criteria, a "Request a Viewing" button will be available. If you are interested in the listing and would like to view it, click the aforementioned button, confirm you mobile number (the same one you registered with or updated your profile with) and an email will be sent to us and we will facilitate the viewing between you and the seller. We will contact you by phone or email once we have confirmation of viewing dates for you.
- How do I allow viewings of my listing?
- If you are listing an item which is of high value (such as a car or property) or is best decided upon after physically viewing the item and if you are open to other JuggleBee users viewing the item before purchase, you may mark it as "viewable" by checking the "Allow listing viewings?" checkbox when creating your listing under the "Pricing Information" section.
Technical Questions
- When visiting the website I get a "The site's security certificate is not trusted!" error. What does this mean?
SSL security certificates encrypt communication between your computer and the server ensuring all information shared is secure. JuggleBee incorporates a valid SSL certificate (you can verify this with the green lock symbol in your browser address bar) however, not all browsers are supported do to age or lack of support. Barring extremely old versions of Internet Explorer, most all current desktop browsers are supported as well as iOS (Apple) and Android (newer than Android 2.3) smart phones.
Should you come up against this error, use a newer browser or accept the warning and proceed through to the site. It is our recommendation that you use either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your default browser to improve your web-surfing experience.
- I forgot my password. What should I do?
- If you have forgotten your password, clicking on the "Log In / Register" link on the top of the website will display the login and registration form in a dialog. Below the login section is a link to help you recover your password. Follow that link, put your email address in the field provided and you will be emailed with a special link which, once clicked, will allow you to enter in a new password.
- Is my email and password secure?
- No website is completely secure. The best way to ensure your account is safe is to have a relatively complex password. More than 8 characters with numbers and symbols if possible. JuggleBee uses the highly secure and robust BCrypt encryption algorithm which makes it very hard for anyone to crack. If your password was "password", we cannot be held responsible for someone hacking into your account! For more information, visit our Privacy Policy.
- I accidentally entered in my login details incorrectly 5 times. Now I am locked out from the website. Why?
- This is an added security measure to prevent "bots" which are automated hacking scripts from attempting to brute force their way into your account. Once you attempt to log in incorrectly more than 5 times, you will be locked out for the next 5 minutes so in the mean time, go grab yourself a cup of coffee and then try login again (with the correct login details). If you have forgotten your password, read the first help tip.