Calendula & Orange Bath Relaxing Crystals


Calendula & Orange Bath Relaxing Crystals 400g Ingredients: Epson Salt, Atlantic Ocean Crystals, Calendula Blossom Flowers & Orange Essential Oil

Calendula, also known as marigold, has several health benefits. Heals and soothes burns, Hydrates and nourishes dry skin, Slows development of wrinkles, Reduces scarring, Protects against inflammation and cancer, Eases muscle spasms, Promotes skin and wound healing, Acts as an antiseptic and antifungal, Contains antioxidant, anti-inflammotary, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Orange - lift your mood or reduce stress treat skin conditions such as acne reduce pain or inflammation relieve stomach upset


Condition Newly manufactured
Location Kamanjab
Colour White

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