90’s Graviola Bovine Capsules – N$300-00


Graviola – The Mistry Fruit – Also known as Soursop Amazing Benefits of Graviola Leaves

Cancer Fighting Tool - A key phytochemical found in graviola leaves has been shown to be toxic to cancer cells. May be effective in battling cancer and shrinking tumors.

Eye health Graviola byproducts (fruit, leaves, etc) contain antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative load in the body. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and natural carotenoid compounds. These preserve the health of your eyes and help ensure healthy vision. This also helps thwart macular degeneration, cataract development, and promote optimal eye function.

Anti-inflammatory effects Graviola has been used for centuries in traditional African medicine to treat neuralgia, rheumatism and arthritic pain. Graviola leaves contain high quantities of antioxidants, which are used by the body to fight inflammation in the body.

Diabetes management and blood sugar stabilization An active ingredient in graviola leaf stops the dysfunctional breakdown in the body where carbohydrates are converted to glucose. It has also been demonstrated that graviola tea may reduce the effect of oxidative stress, which is know to cause liver damage in diabetes sufferers. For Type l diabetics, graviola may support the pancreas to produce new insulin producing cells.

Stomach and digestive system health Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, graviola can decrease oxidative stress and strengthen mucus linings of internal organs. This aids in reducing an inflammatory response by the body. It also reduces the effect of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. People who have digestive disorders, such as Crohn's Disease, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcers can benefit greatly from graviola consumption. It has also long been used to treat dysentery. Kills intestinal parasites Graviola has anti-helminthic properties which makes it a potent tool for fighting bacteria, parasites and worms. It works just like many anti-parasitic drugs, though it is 100% all natural. More specifically, graviola has also been shown to be effective in treating leishmaniasis, a disease that is transmitted to humans from sand fleas. It may also by useful to treat viral and bacterial-based infection from the chronic cough, the common cold and even the herpes virus.

Pain Reduction Graviola has shown analgesic, pain relieving properties, especially when consumed in higher amounts It does this because of an ingredient in the fruit that interacts with the nervous system.

Sleep aid and insomnia remedy Many individuals who suffer from sleep challenges such an insomnia, may benefit from soursop. It provides a calming, stress-relieving effect to the body.

Reduces Stress If you are stressed or anxious, soursop provides a calming relief to the body. This is one major health benefits or soursop. It does this by counteracting the effects of cortisol, a chemical that is released from the body during high states of stress.

Depression and anxiety remedy Graviola's sedative effects can be used by those who who suffer from anxiety. It is known to lower blood pressure as well. And, it doesn’t have any depressive side effects. Studies show that extracts from graviola leaves may reduce depression. There are three key types of alkaloids in the plant: asimadoline, annonaine, and nornuciferine. These stimulate  serotonin receptors. And serotonin is an essential biochemical found in the brain and gut that promotes feeling good. Kills intestinal parasites Graviola has anti-helminthic properties which makes it a potent tool for fighting bacteria, parasites and worms. It works just like many anti-parasitic drugs, though it is 100% all natural. More specifically, graviola has also been shown to be effective in treating leishmaniasis, a disease that is transmitted to humans from sand fleas. It may also by useful to treat viral and bacterial-based infection from the chronic cough, the common cold and even the herpes virus.

Pain Reduction Graviola has shown analgesic, pain relieving properties, especially when consumed in higher amounts It does this because of an ingredient in the fruit that interacts with the nervous system.

Sleep aid and insomnia remedy Many individuals who suffer from sleep challenges such an insomnia, may benefit from soursop. It provides a calming, stress-relieving effect to the body.

Reduces Stress If you are stressed or anxious, soursop provides a calming relief to the body. This is one major health benefits or soursop. It does this by counteracting the effects of cortisol, a chemical that is released from the body during high states of stress.

Depression and anxiety remedy Graviola's sedative effects can be used by those who who suffer from anxiety. It is known to lower blood pressure as well. And, it doesn’t have any depressive side effects. Studies show that extracts from graviola leaves may reduce depression. There are three key types of alkaloids in the plant: asimadoline, annonaine, and nornuciferine. These stimulate  serotonin receptors. And serotonin is an essential biochemical found in the brain and gut that promotes feeling good. And many more


  • The Main importance of Graviola is it's Strong performance in the Fight against Cancer
Condition New
Location Kamanjab
Colour Green

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